
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We had a great time at the cabin last weekend the mountains were on fire with color...sooo pretty.


Sometimes when you try and take a family picture your husband suddenly forgets how to smile, your five year old forgets how to open her eyes, your two year old wants to eat cheetos, and your baby actually smiles.

Thank you photo shop for saving this photo where my baby looked awesome and I needed some serious editing.

Can anyone spy Pop in this Photo?


Can anyone spy Pop in this Photo?

How bout this one?




The kids and I went on a color learning nature walk...our finds were so pretty I had to take a picture.

Birthday present for Mom

My kids had a lot of fun putting this together for my Mom's birthday present and it was actually their idea too...I think it turned out pretty great.  My kids took a bucket and went out to gather leaves when they had enough we cut a circle out of a paper plate and glued the leaves on with elmers, punch a hole and hang with some sort of string...we used dental floss.  It would also be cute with some acorns and berries.
Get Creative and Have some Fun!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tangled Costume

This was made from a dress pattern I had on hand, we(Ellie and I) decided to jazz it up a bit by adding the ribbon(wonder under) different colored sleeves and strip down the front of the bodice.

Time saving tips: instead of a zipper I used stick on Velcro, -bodice front I used double stick tape to hold the ribbon in place while sewing and don't sew stretchy fabric to non stretchy fabric it puckers! 
Even with the mistakes Ellie loves it. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

ABC Blocks

We recently cleaned out our extra bedroom and turned it into a room for our little two year old, we got it all cleaned out and put his bed and toys in there but it was a little boring so I used some of the left over blocks from another project and turned them into ABC blocks just to make it a little more fun.

Putting up the big boy bed

We also added some of these planes we made a while back.
He really enjoys playing in his room, now if I could just get him excited about sleeping in it!
To make the abc blocks you will need: blocks(mine are 3" squares) rounded and sanded, vinyl lettering or stencils, scrap book paper, toll paint, mod podge glue.  I picked out my paper first and then matched my paint to it, I then painted the blocks with two or three coats.  Mod podge scrap book paper on and let dry then add a layer or two to the top to give it a nice finish.  Add vinyl lettering or you could stencil on some letters if you don't have vinyl.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Belle Costume

My sweet girl turned five last week we have had this fabric hanging around for a few months now and she asked if I would finally make her Belle Costume in time for her Birthday...who could resist?

She loves her new costume and feels extra special that Mom made it just for her.

We found some fabric on sale for 2.00 a yard so this dress only cost about that!

Burnt flower embellishments and some stick on jewels are easy and cheap and really made it fancy

Simple gathers along the bottom...very Belle like

I used this pattern for the Belle costume and have used it for every princess costume I have ever made, with a few simple changes the same pattern can be used for any princess dress you like.  Change up the color and some different embellishments and you're set.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or send me an email