
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Old Fashioned Rag Dolls

 These old fashioned rag dolls have been on my to do list for quite some time.  I decided they would make the perfect homemade Christmas gift for my girls so I got to work sewing while they were in school and hiding them before they got home (rather tricky).

  I hand embroidered their little faces on, and was quite pleased with the result..I don't have much experience with embroidering.

 They each ended up a little different which is kinda fun.

 The little details were my favorite gotta love these sweet little mary janes on their feet.

 I thought a Peter Pan collar would be fun for one of them.

  My girls knew I was making the dolls they just didn't get to see them until Christmas morning so they gave me some input during the I want mine to have long hair and a purple dress.

They have absolutely loved these little dollies and it makes my heart the end all the time and effort was definitely worth it.  

Like I mentioned before my camera was lost for quite some during the move so no tutorial for this one but Ashley over at has an excellent one with printable pattern pieces.  I just made a few adjustments to personalize them. (I made their bodies slightly bigger and their legs a little bit shorter)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Missionary Gift Bags

 We have a couple in our Church leaving on a mission to Samoa and wanted to give them a little something for their journey.

 I saw a cute gift bag with the tie and tag and thought it would be fun to do one for each of them, I thought they turned out pretty darn cute.

  We filled them with all kinds of snacks...crackers, candy bars, gum, cookies, whoppers, basically chocolate..they're learning a new language..they need chocolate!

 I just used paper lunch sacks, you can buy a huge pack of them for cheap...couple bucks.

I made the little tags on's free!

I just free handed the collar and tie but there are plenty of free printable templates if that's easier.

(P.S. we lost our camera during the move...luckily we found it blogging is very difficult without it)