
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apothecary Jars

I have been wanting an apothecary jar for a while now...I know it's weird.  I think they are pretty and that it would be fun to change out the seasonal decor in them. 




So I found a great one at Fred Meyer's.(the one on the right)
 They were $20.00 dollars a piece. . .sadly this is way to much for me to spend especially when my husband is present.  So I just happened to have all these pieces on hand: vase, candle holder, glass chess piece and I got the perfect sized glass bowl at the dollar tree (3 for a dollar) and super glue.  Gorilla Glue works best on glass I hear, but I had super glue and it worked.

All you have to do is glue your vase onto the candle holder.

Glue chess piece or whatever you can find onto your bowl.

 And you end up with something like this little beauty for a total price of $1.00!
Now I just need two more preferrably a tall one and a short fat one, I do still have a couple of spare bowls from the dollar tree. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Rice crispy nests with peeps and chocolate eggs.

Individually wrapped for gifts.

These were really quick and easy.
The kids had a lot of fun helping me decorate.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fancy Flip Flops

Yay the grass is finally green!

 I used scotch velcro dots so the accessories could be interchangeable.

For the flower I used faux leather from an old purse and finished it off with french knots in the center

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

sparkly play dough

(The picture doesn't show the sparkle but I promise it's there,
I used the really fine Martha Stewart glitter.)

 Plastic baby food jars work well for storage.

This recipe is cooked and it is much better than the other recipes I have tried which end up kind of grainy and sticky.  This is just like the play dough you would buy at the store but better.

   Sparkle Play Dough Recipe

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 t. cream of tartar
2 cups water
2 T. vegetable oil
Food coloring
Combine first three ingredients in sauce pan.  Add water and vegetable oil and stir until mixed thoroughly.  Over medium heat stir mixture continuously until it starts to pull away from the sides of the pan and hold together.  Transfer dough to sheet of wax paper and separate dough for as many colors as you want to make.  Careful it will be hot!  Add a few drops of food coloring at a time until you get your desired color.  Add glitter and knead again.  Store in an air tight container.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fishing Hole Roll

Fishing Hole Roll

 Unroll and throw out your fish

 The Fish

 Aren't they cute!

 The Worm

 And of course the fishing poles

My kids love it!

The pink sparkly fish is definitely her favorite
I found this project over at Tricia's, Leafy Tree Top Spot  you can find the tutorial here.

doll house

Doll House

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Doll House just built by Dad upon my request, I drew it up for him and he luckily had some time and built it.

 A couple days later baby brother joins the family, I think this present was even better than the doll house.

And then I added a little paint

  As you can see I thoroughly enjoyed myself painting it!  It was like painting and decorating a new house except for a lot cheaper.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's easy to get caught up in all the fun crafts, egg hunts and candy associated with Easter I found this video very touching and a great reminder.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

To Do List

redo baptism dress sleeves
baptism bracelet
 white hair clip
pastel Easter dress and skirt
coral ruffle skirt
pink leggings
shirred floral ruffle summer shirt 
wooden car and truck
desk for girls room
fabric covered magnet board/ girls room  

 Cloth diaper burp cloths

Friday, April 1, 2011

More Fabric Flowers

These have individual petals, I think they look a lot better in hair.

These are made just like the circular burnt flowers except for I cut slits all the way around the circle before I burnt it and then burnt around each petal.  It does take  a little a lot more time but makes a big difference.

Play food for kids

Zero Calorie Cookies

Interchangable toppings- Frosting with sprinkles or Chocolate Chip



Cherry Tart Dessert
(who needs dinner when you can have dessert!)
These are really easy and fun to make and they are also very affordable (felt is pretty cheap).  I also didn't need a pattern you can get a pretty good idea of how to make them just by looking at the photos (except for the bread slices, they were a bit harder to make them look right I used solid foam stuffing so they would keep their shape.) For the cookie bases I used a blanket stitch and stuffed them with poly fill.   For everything else I used my machine, it went really fast and my kids are so excited to have some cute food for their play kitchen.

Child Swimming Suit

Swimming Suit

(Really long) Picture Tutorial

cut 4 srips and sew right sides together.

Put both right sides together.

cut strip of red for ruffle.

gather strip

cut two rectangles for straps

Fold in half right sides together and sew seam.  Turn right side out.

 Make a sandwich with ruffle and straps inside the two layers of front side of top.

 Sandwich the other end of the straps in the back of the top.

 Sew all the way around and turn right side out. (Make sure your straps are close enough together to stay on the shoulder, unlike mine.)

Cut front of shirt bottom and ruffle the bottom.  (I did this with a zig zag stitch and stretched the fabric as I sewed.)

 Cut back of shirt bottom and ruffle the same way.

Sew all together.  Pin to swimsuit top right sides together with overlap in the back.

For the bottoms I made my pattern from a pair of leggings and added a strip of red to the top.
(More pictures of completed swimming suit to come later)