
Thursday, October 24, 2013

DIY Dorothy Costume

 Things have been a bit hectic around our house ya know two kids in school, dishes, laundry, Halloween costumes... oh and MOVING!!
I thought about buying costumes this year but I don't know how people do it with more than one kid, those things are pricey.  So with my house in shambles and boxes coming out my ears and garbage and junk everywhere...(I don't know how we accumulated so much STUFF)
 I am making costumes!!

 I used tutorial and it went together quite quickly..I never would have thought to put a dress together this way but it worked!

 The skirt is very full and great for spinning...her favorite part(can you tell?)

 I only had a little bit of fabric stashed away in storage and i used every bit of it...seriously!  I think it was a yard and 1/2

 She was running all over the place finding new photo shoot backdrops for me...what a helpful girl she is.

  I added a little bit of eyelet lace around the bottom of the gingham for a little extra fluff

 This shirred waste is awesome it fits perfectly without being to tight or uncomfortable and it is surprisingly easy...I use it all the time. You can use her tutorial or I have a simple one here.

We splurged on these fabulous shoes at Wal Mart, who could resist!? Everything else was free cause I already had it in my craft hoarder stash woot!!

Stay tuned for more Wizard of Oz themed you can't guess who's next

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tutu Halloween Costume Roundup

We made a witch costume tutu for my little girl yesterday, it added the extra flare we looking for.  Tutu's are an easy cheap costume idea and the possibilities are endless...

here are some of my favorites

Mermaid costume 
Baby Mermaid...oh my heck I'm in love!

little red riding hood! How cute!!!! I've decided that every year my kids will get a little photo shoot done in their Halloween costume 
Little Red Riding Hood
Oh what an adorable child...and the costume's pretty cute too.

Toddler cute
This is one of my all time favorites...must try

Scare Crow





 Baby Witch




   Snow White Tutu Dress                        
Snow White
If you change up the colors and accessories you could make just about any princess.



                    Tinker Bell...look at all that fluff!

Audrey Hepburn



Bumble Bee

Super Heroes

Lady Bug Costume
Little Lady Bug

 Hopefully this helps you come up with some ideas, even if you need a last minute costume these are really easy to throw together, we did ours in about an hour.