
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Vinyl Wallet For Little Boys

Kids are the funnest to sew for, they easily get excited over the smallest things like monster truck fabric!  I hope he stays this easy to please forever cuz it's sooo much fun. He's been a champ lately and has been saving his money up and wanted a place to keep it like his big sisters with all of their purses and bags. So we came up with this monster truck wallet and he loves it!

Really quite simple to throw together and doesn't require much fabric at all. If you have some various scraps laying around, they'll do the trick for this project.

It's lined with vinyl on the back in hopes to have it be a little more durable..boys tend to be a little rough on things. It also makes it a little more sturdy so it keeps it's shape a little better too. I bought about a yard of clear vinyl a few yrs back and have used it for a handful of projects..great stuff to have on hand ;)

And it folds right up so he can slip it in his back pocket or in the glove compartment of his new electric gator truck...yep he's pretty cool!

I thought it would be fun to make a pocket for a driver's license pic. You can't really tell but the orange frame has vinyl inside so you can put a photo in.

What you will need:

Two coordinating fabrics
Bias tape
and the usual scissors, thread, sewing machine... 

You'll want to start by cutting out your rectangles that will make the basic shape of your wallet.
Mine were 10 1/2 " by 5"
(cut one out of front fabric, one back fabric and one vinyl)

Now you can start on the pockets.  You can make it to your liking mine were.

Two 4" by 3" (monster truck fabric and orange framed vinyl)
One 3 1/2" by 4 1/2" (monster truck fabric)
One 3 1/2" by 4" (orange)
One 3 1/2" by 3" (orange)

That's a total of five pockets.

Any edges of pockets that will be showing need to be hemmed. I find it easiest to iron them down and then sew. Then you can start sewing them down to the big orange rectangle you cut out earlier.

Once your pockets are all sewn down it's time to sew all three rectangles together. Vinyl on bottom, outer fabric (monster truck) and then orange.

I found it easiest to tape mine together to hold them in place and then pin the bias tape around the entire thing and sew down. ( I tend to get excited at the end of a project and forget to take pics...sorry)

That's it! Your little boy will love you forever.