
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Simplified Pettiskirt

I am calling this the simplified pettiskirt because I didn't have enough fabric to make the really full one so I just used what I had and I think it turned out great and is a little more practical for everyday wear.

I found this picture after I made my little girl's pettiskirt, how adorable would it be for a newborn photo shoot. I may have to dress my newborn baby boy up in it just for one picture when he gets here.

I used Ahley's tutorial found here, if you want your pettiskirt to be super full use her measurements.  I did all of my gathering with my machine and it saved me tons of time and made a nice uniform ruffle. Not sure how to gather with your machine? Click here.  If you wanted yours to be less full I just did each tier twice as long as the first and it still turned out pretty rufflly.