With brand new identical twins I thought personalized bracelets might come in handy, especially in the beginning when you still can't tell which one is which. My brother said he couldn't tell who was who, so he was just going to mark them with sharpie marker...that might work for boys but we girls are a little more sophisticated than that!
And if you're in need of a matching beaded binky clip check out my last post here.

I have had this sizing chart hanging around for a while, I don't know where I found it but the sizes seem to be right on. This comes in handy if you're making them as a gift and don't have the child with you.
Sizing Guide
Infant 0-3 mos.- 4"
3-12 mos.- 4 1/2"
Toddler 1-4 yrs.-5"
Child 4-8 yrs.-5 1/2"
Child 9-13 yrs.- 6 1/2"
You will need:
Wire cutters
Needle Nose Pliers
3mm. Wire
Beads of various sizes
Crimping Beads
Start by cutting off the right amount of wire add an extra 3" just to be safe, I use 3mm wire. Now thread on your crimping bead and one end of your clasp.
Run the wire back down through the crimping bead
Push the crimping bead up snug to the clasp and crimp it down with the needle nose pliers.
Thread on beads in whatever pattern you please or have your little girl pick the pattern cause she's better at it.
Finish the same way you started by threading on a crimping bead and the other end of your clasp and feed the wire back down through the crimping bead and down through a few of the beads making it nice and snug. Crimp down your crimping bead and trim off excess wire as close as you can to the beads so the wire doesn't poke out.
That's it!
You can add a little ribbon, throw them in a little satchel and they're ready to be gifted.