A few weeks ago I started making some felt food for my kids play kitchen I started with the cookies with interchangeable toppings.

and then some...
Cherry Tarts

and then some...
Cherry Tarts
and a
and finally some
So I got all of the food made (which I really enjoyed as you can see since I kept adding more and more) I originally planned on the cookies having a cookie sheet they could velcro on to ...three weeks later
Cookie Sheet
I made a cookie sheet out of an old wooden container I was about to throw away. A little gray spray paint and we were in business.
I added some velcro dots to the bottom of the tray and cookie bases so they aren't sliding all around and it gives them a little stick, like real cookies.
Almost done!
Amazingly these cookies only have to bake for about five seconds ( Pipps is a little impatient).
Even some unlikely children enjoy playing with the new food!
(He may have had some help with the tutu)
I also added a container for all the cookie toppings in hopes that they won't all get lost, we'll see how that goes. I had a tootsie roll container left over from Easter and printed off a cute vintage food advertisement I found on google and mod podged it on.
And the felt food project is finally done!
Cute pig spatula and whisk can be found at TJ Maxx.