We had about a week of really nice weather, so nice that my kids even busted out the pool and were sporting swimsuits in 65 degree weather. They were convinced it was summer until this week's weather hit and we have been inside all weekend so we needed some inside fun.
They have loved these little drums and really enjoyed making them as well.
We started with these Gerber baby snack containers, you could use any kind of can or container that has a drum shape.
They ended up liking the sound the metal side of the container made because it was louder...good for them, bad for Mom and Dad!
Then I let them go to town decorating with paper, stickers, glitter, markers....you name it!
I punched holes in the top and the bottom and let them thread yarn through, this part kept them busy for a long time and they felt pretty cool like they were sewing. We used pencils with foam bullets on the end for drumsticks, but you could use just pencils or spoons or whatever you can round up.
Then they braved the wind for little while to test them out on our new trampoline.
Since they have had so much fun with the drums we thought it would be fun to make a little musical instrument set.
So we made a tambourine....
And that's as far as we have gotten but wouldn't it be fun to add this little guitar Ashley made over at
Maybe some paper mache maracas...couldn't find a link for these.
And some rain sticks are always a good time... found
This should keep us busy for a little while...we will let you know how it goes. If you are looking for some more ideas for crafting with the kids check out these spring time crafts for kids

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